The provisions of Article 19(2) of the Brussels
II Regulation (No 2201/2003) are not applicable where a court of a
Member State first seised for the purpose of obtaining measures in
matters of parental responsibility is seised only for the purpose
of its granting provisional measures within the meaning of Article
20 of that Regulation and where a court of another Member State which
has jurisdiction as to the substance of the matter within the meaning
of the same regulation is seised second of an action directed at obtaining
the same measures, whether on a provisional basis or as final measures.
The fact that a court of a Member State is seised
in the context of proceedings to obtain interim relief or that a judgment
is handed down in the context of such proceedings and there is nothing
in the action brought or the judgment handed down which indicates
that the court seised for the interim measures has jurisdiction within
the meaning of the Brussels II Regulation does not necessarily preclude
the possibility that, as may be provided for by the national law of
that Member State, there may be an action as to the substance of the
matter which is linked to the action to obtain interim measures and
in which there is evidence to demonstrate that the court seised has
jurisdiction within the meaning of that regulation.
Where, notwithstanding efforts made by the
court second seised to obtain information by enquiry of the party
claiming lis pendens, the court first seised and the central authority,
the court second seised lacks any evidence which enables it to determine
the cause of action of proceedings brought before another court and
which serves, in particular, to demonstrate the jurisdiction of that
court in accordance with the Brussels II Regulation, and where, because
of specific circumstances, the interest of the child requires the
handing down of a judgment which may be recognised in Member States
other than that of the court second seised, it is the duty of that
court, after the expiry of a reasonable period in which answers to
the enquiries made are awaited, to proceed with consideration of the
action brought before it. The duration of that reasonable period must
take into account the best interests of the child in the specific
circumstances of the proceedings concerned.